Welcome to my website!
E-Mail: pacedpatience@gmail
Hi! Welcome to my site! I hope you enjoy it and find it fascinating. I am a wife, mom and a life skills coach. I work as a Para Professional at a school district, helping children with special abilites. I love my job. I love working with these kiddos and helping them get through any challenges they may endure. It has to be one of the most rewarding careers I have pursed in my life.
Children with special abilities have so much to offer. I learn every day from them. Many children with special abilites are being "mainstreamed" into what society calls "neuro typically developing" students. It is amazing to observe and engage in the classroom having so many different reactions. I strive to teach empathy and compassion to all. We are all different. I do my best to educate on different abilities and encourage understanding. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same.